1. a law forbidding the sale of alcoholic beverages 2. a decree that prohibits something 3. the period from 1920 to 1933 when the sale of alcoholic beverages was prohibited in the United States by a constitutional amendment 4. refusal to approve or assent to 5. the action of prohibiting or inhibiting or forbidding (or an instance thereof). Further, see-through shirts, short shorts, skirts or dresses and shirts unbuttoned more than two-thirds of the way are all prohibited and will result in denied park admission. In addition, these foods cannot be made with prohibited methods such as ionizing radiation. A defendant who has been convicted for the first time of a domestic violence crime shall be sentenced to a term of probation if not sentenced to a term of imprisonment. to officially refuse to allow something: Motor vehicles are prohibited from driving in the town centre. Parking is strictly prohibited … We are now living under the Gospel, which does not give prescribed rules for the external life and has not expressly prohibited bigamy. Despite the united resistance of the civil servants, and an actual mutiny of two hundred military officers, Clive carried through his reforms. Such strange enactments as the Familianten-Gesetz, which prohibited more than one member of a family from marrying, broke up families by forcing the men to emigrate. Venality and the extortion of the tax-gatherer flourished anew after the departure of Gordon, while the feebleness of his successors inspired in the Baggara a contempt for the authority which prohibited them pursuing their most lucrative traffic. 9 2 prohibited the planting of new vineyards in Italy, and ordered the reduction of those in the provinces by one-half. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Unless the proposal guidelines state that asking to see applications submitted by prior award recipients is prohibited, it's certainly worth your while to submit a request. The doors of the Temple in Egypt were closed, and its sacrifices which had been offered for 243 years were prohibited. But although still holding to the theory expounded in his July speech of 1848, he was now ready with the proposal that slavery might be prohibited north of latitude 36° 30' N. At a later stage the Orthodox calendar and the Cyrilline alphabet were prohibited, and this was actually enforced in Serbia itself during the Austrian occupation, and in the Serbian districts of Hungary from July 1916 onward. Apart from his personal expenses such as postage, travelling expenses, &c., a candidate is prohibited from spending anything himself to promote either his nomination or his election, but he is allowed to contribute to the treasury of the political committee. In the former the Railway and Canal Traffic Act of 1854 specially prohibited preferences, either in facilities or in rates. Trade monopolies were prohibited, and provision made for civilizing the natives, the suppression of the slave trade, and the protection of missionaries, scientists and explorers. But it is, in fact, due also to the absence of an historical literature at Sparta, to the small part played by written laws, which were, according to tradition, expressly prohibited by an ordinance of Lycurgus, and to the secrecy which always characterizes an oligarchical rule. Early in the 19th century a large transit trade in opium between Karachi and China was carried on at Damaun, but it ceased in 1837, when the British prohibited it after their conquest of Sind. The use of matches and naked lights of any kind must be prohibited. In both sentences it is used in the same way. one day to come to an end; the prohibition of marriage follows naturally on this view. The production of qualities which would have suited many purposes of consumption was prohibited, and the odious supervision which became necessary involved great waste of time and a stereotyped regularity which resisted all improvements. This clerical side of the parish bounds-beating was one of the religious functions prohibited by the Injunctions of Queen Elizabeth; but it was then ordered that the perambulation should continue to be performed as a quasi-secular function, so that evidence of the boundaries of parishes, &c. might be preserved (Gibson, Codex juris Ecclesiastici Anglicani (1761) pp. Diplomats are prohibited from making public statements with partisan political overtones. Compulsion of the population of occupied territory to take part in military operations against their own country, or even give information respecting the army of the other belligerent and pressure to take the oath to the hostile power are prohibited. Peonage remained a legalized institution until 1867, when it was prohibited by an act of Congress. A voidable marriage, such as were marriages between persons within the prohibited degrees before the Marriage Act 1836, will be sufficient, but a marriage which is absolutely void as all such marriages now are, will not. Latimer was prohibited from preaching in the university or in any pulpits of the diocese, and on his occupying the pulpit of the Augustinian monastery, which enjoyed immunity from episcopal control, he was summoned to answer for his opinions before Wolsey, who, however, was so sensible of the value of such discourses that he gave him special licence to preach throughout England. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. What is prohibited is state or local action in the absence of congressional authorization. "In some countries the interest of money has been prohibited by law. Cellular phone use is prohibited in the restaurant. The marriage was dissolved by the pope as being within the prohibited degrees, but the son born of it was recognized as legitimate. All trademarks, service marks and trade names in this site are the marks of respective owner(s) and any unauthorized use is prohibited. In 218, as a leader of the democratic opposition, Flaminius was one of the chief promoters of the measure brought in by the tribune Quintus Claudius, which prohibited senators and senators' sons from possessing sea-going vessels, except for the transport of the produce of their own estates, and generally debarred them from all commercial speculation (Livy xxi. His Bible was prohibited by proclamation in 1542, while Coverdale himself defied the Six Articles by marrying Elizabeth Macheson, sister-in-law to Dr John MacAlpine. The shooting of them is prohibited, except when they become dangerous to man or destructive to the crops; and the right of capturing them is only leased out upon conditions. The exportation of silver pesos is prohibited. Prohibited activity requirement; Attendance centre requirement (where available) Suitable requirements might … By certain acts of congress, passed between 1868 and 1873, the killing of seals was prohibited upon the islands of the Pribiloff group and in "the waters adjacent thereto" except upon certain specified conditions. The practice is prohibited in Deut. Another statute prohibited the burgesses from holding landed property and enjoying the privileges attaching thereto. Your decision to buy organic foods means that you are buying from a farmer who does not use prohibited pesticides on agricultural fields. The Supplier shall have an anti-bribery policy (which shall be disclosed to The Purchaser on request) to prevent any sub- contractor or Supplier Personnel from committing a Prohibited Act and shall enforce it where appropriate. Section 3: Creates a civil tort in relation to the course of conduct prohibited by section 1 for which damages may be awarded. The Master embraced him in spite of prohibition, and His body was stained … Before slavery was prohibited in the Territory by Act of Congress in 1862, Indian captives were regularly bought and sold, a traffic sanctioned by custom and not prohibited by law. But though his eclectic system failed, the spirit of toleration which originated it produced in other ways many important results, and, indeed, may be said to have done more to establish Akbar's power on a secure basis than all his economic and social reforms. He conciliated the Hindus by giving them freedom of worship; while at the same time he strictly prohibited certain barbarous Brahmanical practices, such as trial by ordeal and the burning of widows against their will. The Life of Apollonius was first published by Aldus (1502); a French translation by Blaise de Vigenere appeared in 1596; an English translation of the first two books was published in London (1680) by Charles Blount, with some notes by Lord Herbert of Cherbury (prohibited in England in 1693, it was reprinted on the Continent); a full translation appeared in 1903. A coarse and strong tobacco was formerly extensively grown, but its cultivation was prohibited in 1890. 26 sqq. The largest and most numerous commercial firms are German, but there are also French, British, and even Chinese establishments, although the immigration of Chinese is prohibited by law. Don't let the outdoor dining fool you, though, smoking is prohibited. Austria and Russia alike resented the decision to fortify Bucharest with and the Sereth line, adopted by the Rumanian govern which prohibited foreigners from holding lands. Fisher was summoned (13th of April) to take the oath prescribed by the Act of Succession, which he was ready to do, were it not that the preamble stated that the offspring of Catherine were illegitimate, and prohibited all faith, trust and obedience to any foreign authority or potentate. But those who do not practice vegetarianism are prohibited from eating Halal meat and beef. In April 1921, a special session of the Southern (Canton) Parliament elected him to be President of the Chinese Republic, his supporters declaring the Canton " Military Government " to be the only lawfully constituted government in the country; but the influence of these Cantonese " Constitutionalists " over the other southern provinces had then become almost insignificant, and the " Military Government," prohibited by the Foreign Powers from interfering with the revenues of the Maritime Customs, was confronted by financial problems of a kind which threatened not only its reforming activities but its continued existence. Wales, and the disturbance spread partially to London and elsewhere; but the courts, on the application of the Board of Trade, prohibited the Union from paying strike pay, and the movement collapsed. shackles of work and family commitments and seize opportunities that time previously prohibited. A stricter life was introduced into the papal court; the regular observance of the services of the Church was enjoined; many of the grosser abuses were prohibited. By legislative enactment whites and blacks living in adultery are to be punished by imprisonment or fine; divorces may be secured only after two years' residence in the state and on the ground of physical incapacity, adultery, extreme cruelty, habitual indulgence in violent temper, habitual drunkenness, desertion for one year, previous marriage still existing, or such relationship of the parties as is within the degrees for which marriage is prohibited by law. The establishment of conventual or monastic institutions is prohibited. The earlier ones in some cases prohibited the lending of money on usury at all, as in a statute of Jewry of the reign of Edward I.; but the later statutes were chiefly confined to limiting the rate of interest. The mercantile system, which had sprung up in Spain in the 16th century, held that The colonies were to be entirely prohibited from trading, except with the mother country. Jackson was settled about 1820, incorporated as a town in 1823, chartered as a city in 1854, and in 1907 received a new charter by which the sale of intoxicating liquors is forever prohibited. He urged on the bill by which Catholics were prohibited from sitting in either House of Parliament, and was bitter in his expressions of disappointment when the Commons passed a proviso excepting James, against whom the bill was especially aimed, from its operation. We can read both sentences as a passive construction, when we feel that the agent (in this case, the authorities or some such thing) are somehow relevant. prohibited interference with the synagogue worship ("Judaeorum sectarn nulla lege prohibitam satis constat "), and in 412 a special edict of protection was issued. Because we prohibit children under 18 from buying cigarettes, underage smoking is … The government introduced a law prohibiting tobacco advertisements on TV. Parking is strictly prohibited … A city ordinance prohibited the erection of any building more than 185 ft. The Act of Appeals had already prohibited any appeal from the archbishop's court. A law of 1909 prohibited the pumping of certain mineral waters if such pumping diminished the flow or injured the quality of the water of any spring. 17, 7), and the division of the bodies of martyrs into pieces was prohibited for centuries. camo jackets or trousers is prohibited and may lead to arrest. Essenim, blended with Ebionitism, is the plausible conjecture of Schle:ermacher, Neander and Mangold, but the Essenes do not seem to have prohibited marriage so dogmatically. Marriage with outsiders was prohibited; women had no part in church government. Although President Polk immediately urged the formation of a territorial government for Oregon, the bill introduced for this purpose was held up in the Senate on account of the opposition of Southern leaders, who were seeking to maintain the abstract principle that slavery could not be constitutionally prohibited in any territory of the United States, although they had no hope of Oregon ever becoming slave territory. The prohibited list of example sentences with prohibited. The marriage, too, was declared null by the pope, as the parties were within the prohibited degrees. The property of religious, charitable and educational institutions, and of art and science, even when state property, are assimilated to private property, and all seizure of, and destruction or intentional damage done to such institutions, to historical monuments, works of art or science is prohibited (Art. The constitution of 1816 had conferred the suffrage upon all " white male citizens of the United States of the age of twenty-one and upward," had prohibited slavery, and had provided that no alteration of the constitution should ever introduce it. Use for commercial purposes prohibited without prior written permission from the copyright holder. It's find to explain that you were in an accident that prohibited you from working for a little while, but stress that you are completely recovered and ready to go back to work full time. Officers and servants are prohibited from being concerned or interested in any bargain or contract made with their council, and from receiving under cover of their office or employment any fee or reward whatsoever other than their proper salaries, wages and allowances, under penalty of being rendered incapable of holding office under any district council, and of a pecuniary penalty of £50. Can lawful behavior be prohibited under the statutory tort of harassment? The Weapons Prohibition Act 1998 sets out the requirement for individuals to possess permits for weapons and in some circumstances when an individual is exempt from holding a permit. Allah prohibited having sexual intercourse with the wife during menstruation, indicating that sexual intercourse with the wife during menstruation, indicating that sexual intercourse is allowed otherwise. It should be noted that the importation of alcohol, for the use of the natives, is prohibited. A person who has been sentenced to preventive detention or imprisonment for three years or more will be prohibited for life. With a view of effecting the reduction of street car fares to three cents, the state legislature in 1899 passed an act for purchasing or leasing the street railways of the city, but the Supreme Court pronounced this act unconstitutional on the ground that, as the constitution prohibited the state from engaging in a work of internal improvement, the state could not empower a municipality to do so. purposes prohibited without prior written permission from the copyright holder. Now, the papal rule in the matter was plain; all homage and lay investiture were strictly prohibited. Le Roi s'amuse (1832), the next play which Hugo gave to the stage, was prohibited by order of Louis Philippe after a tumultuous first night - to reappear fifty years later on the very same day of the same month, under the eyes of its author, with atoning acclamation from a wider audience than the first. People like the idea of losing weight while eating low carb/high fat foods often prohibited on low calorie diets. For several years previous to 1876 a clause of the constitution prohibited the sale of intoxicating liquors within the state. An instance of this interference with the duties of the individual citizen towards the state may be found in the fact that, till the year 1904, the Catholics of Italy were prohibited by the pope from taking part in any parliamentary election. He is prohibited from using firearms and must remain within the jurisdiction of the court during the period of his sentence. 30. The Utraquist creed, frequently varying in its details, continued to be that of the established church of Bohemia till all non-Roman religious services were prohibited shortly after the battle of the White Mountain in 1620. In all the noble and glorious life of the greatest poet of his time there is nothing on record more chivalrous and characteristic than the fact that Victor Hugo refused to allow the play which had been prohibited by the government of Charles X. Ghasi Das gave himself out as a messenger of God; he prohibited the adoration of idols, and enjoined the worship of the Supreme Being without any visible sign or representation. They were, however, prohibited from engaging in the poison ordeal, enslavement or brutal punishment. The pope could not be effectively prohibited, and no instance is recorded of a prohibition to papal delegates. Oaths and the taking of life were absolutely forbidden; hence the magistracy and the army were for the Mennonite unlawful callings; but magistrates were to be obeyed in all things not prohibited by Scripture. It was at once prohibited in several of the South American states when they acquired independence, as in La Plata, Venezuela and Chile. No member of the public is allowed to own a prohibited firearm under any circumstances. Throughout British territory the growth of the poppy is almost universally prohibited, except in a certain tract of Bengal and the United Provinces, where it is grown with the help of advances from government and under strict supervision. to be crowned emperor at Rome in 1355, but protested against the famous "Golden Bull" of the following year, which prohibited papal interference in German royal elections. Indiscriminate timber-cutting has been prohibited, the burning of the jungle by the hill tribes has been confined within bounds, large areas have been surveyed and demarcated, plantations have been laid out, and, generally, forest conservation has become a reality. contains laws on prohibited marriages (vv. 28. 3 Brawls having arisen with the Catholics, who began singing their hymns in opposition, the emperor prohibited the Arian meetings. Among its acts was the assumption of the right of ratifying a proposed amendment to the constitution of the United States which prohibited Congress from interfering with the institution of slavery within a state, although the right of ratification belonged to the legislature. Every act tending to force a citizen to abandon his nationality - in other words oppression of a citizen on account of his race - is expressly prohibited. ' The maximum ban for taking a prohibited substance is two years. Before the establishment of British administration traders from the south, with a few selected exceptions, were prohibited from entering the city. 19 repealed any act of parliament, law or custom whereby the bishops, clergy or laity of the said church were prohibited from holding synods or electing representatives thereto for the purpose of making rules for the well-being and ordering of the said church, and enacted that no such law, &c., should hinder the said bishops, clergy and laity, by such representatives, lay and clerical, and so elected as they shall appoint, from meeting in general synod or convention and in such general synod or convention forming constitutions and providing for future representation of the members of the church in diocesan synods, general convention or otherwise. Example Sentences for "prohibit" Many gangsters became rich in North America by selling alcohol during prohibitionOur city council has enacted a new bylaw which prohibits smoking in all public buildings. Salt was extensively manufactured during native rule, but the British government has prohibited this industry for fiscal reasons. Dogs and horses are also prohibited from the trail. The eurapxai (" first fruits ") were conveyed to Eleusis, where sacrifice was offered by a priestess, men being prohibited from undertaking the duty. It is easily transported from place to place in seed-cotton, and for this reason the Egyptian government in 1904 prohibited the importation of American cotton seed. Their worship was prohibited, and their chief pastor, Leger, was obliged to flee, and in his exile at Leiden wrote his Histoire generale des eglises vaudoises (1684). The passage of local or special bills by the legislature was prohibited. In all British coal-mines, when gas in dangerous quantities has appeared within three months, and in all places that are dry and dusty, blasting is prohibited, except with Safety ex= c, „ permitted explosives, whose composition and pro perties have been examined at the testing station at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. These standards include prohibited and allowed substances and farming practices in order to meet regulations for the organic food label. The manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors except for medical, scientific and mechanical purposes were prohibited by a constitutional amendment adopted in 1880. As it was, the Spanish connection checked Englands aspirations; her adventurers were warned off the Spanish Main, and even trade with the colonies of Philips ally Portugal was prohibited. Sections 199-201 of the WA Criminal Code prohibited anything done ' unlawfully ' with intent to procure a miscarriage. The partaking of flesh food and spirituous liquor is strictly prohibited. 2, defines the attitude of the republic toward the Church in the following words: " The state recognizes and supports the Roman Apostolic Catholic religion, the public exercise of any other worship being prohibited, except in the colonies where it is tolerated.". burglary, robbery, assault, possession Animals treated with prohibited medications cannot be sold as organic. The approach of foreign traders was prohibited, while the regalities reserved by the crown drained the country of a great proportion of its wealth. ), a Dongolese, proclaimed himself the long-looked-for Mandi (guide) of Islam, he found most of his original followers among the grossly superstitious villagers of Kordofan, to whom he preached universal equality and a community of goods, while denouncing the Turks 2 as unworthy Moslems on whom God would execute judgment. He was proved guilty of using prohibited substances. It is prohibited to stipulate in the constitution charter additional benefit consisting of work or personal services of the partners. Prohibited is a form of the verb prohibit: it is the past participle.. To guard against this competition, the export of tobacco seed from Turkey was prohibited in 1907. the growth of tobacco in Great Britain has been practically prohibited, the original enactment to that effect having been passed to encourage trade with the young colony of Virginia. 213-214). Allah prohibited having sexual intercourse with the wife during menstruation, indicating that sexual intercourse is allowed otherwise. Bishop Morley even prohibited him from preaching in the diocese of Worcester. Consolidation and leasing were commonly permitted in the case of continuous lines, but were regularly prohibited in the case of parallel and competing lines. Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Vermont and Ohio allow people to purchase sparklers and novelty fireworks, but traditional fireworks are prohibited. The practice is prohibited in Deut. He was accused of erroneous doctrine, and the Spanish viceroy of Naples prohibited his preaching. Owing to the protests of the Dominicans and other regulars, the book was prohibited in 1760, but the second part was issued surreptitiously in 1768. ‘Anna Peters denied being knowingly concerned with the importation of prohibited goods and she was cleared following a trial at Chelmsford Crown Court.’ ‘This bill did seek to amend the Misuse of Drugs Act by inserting a new definition of industrial hemp and excluding industrial hemp from the definition of a prohibited plant.’ Both of these enhancements were usually incorporated into advanced military or commercial devices, but the high cost prohibited them from being viable products for regular users. Regulations as to grants-in-aid were made by the act, with the stipulation that no sum from them should be devoted to the provision or maintenance of any building, or tutorial or other office, for religious purposes, though private benefaction for such purposes is not prohibited. The slaughtering of animals according to Jewish rites is also to be prohibited. prohibited the attendance of French delegates. One also prohibited the discharge of projectiles and explosives from balloons. Driving a manual transmission car without being an expert in the use of clutches and manual transmissions. This is the more incredible since the same tradition informs us that the boy was as yet prohibited from making public use of his new religious views. In England the Constitutions of Clarendon (by chap. Many gangsters became rich in North America by selling alcohol during prohibition. It mandates a form of involuntary servitude expressly, In some cases police witch-hunt the individuals by distributing cards in the local community with their photographs and the, His writing in the 60s which I read in my late schooldays had the urgent fizz of newly discovered and, Any action carrying a risk of major disaster must be, There are many places where photography is, The IJA is a charitable organization and private benefits and inurements are, Invariably the borrower itself will be expressly, The introduction of the technology, which is, Several suspected efforts to build or adapt, A decree-law of November defined Judaism in biological rather than religious terms and, It normally fired airgun pellets and the modification turned it into a, By a notice, all ball games, roller skating and skateboarding were, Skateboards, scooters and rollerblades are also, All characters belong to me and any use without my permission is, Posting of slanderous, libelous, abusive or defamatory material is totally, Although Article 13 of the Constitution protects freedom of religious conscience and worship for known religions, proselytism is, The first delineates the goal area from which all outfield players are, During the period of the lease, the lessee is usually, While extra clothing, such as sweatpants and leg warmers, can also raise your temperature, this may be, Otherwise, the Commonwealth could always legislate to say certain categories of State legislation are, Agreements which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition within the common market are, In former Asian centrally planned economies, private ownership of cars was discouraged in the past, and in some cases, Jury nullification is not lawless because it is simply is not, Point B represents the same total cost to the economy except that now emissions trading is, In most cases, he said, members found to have been involved with, Personal enrichment of any person within the non-profit organization must remain strictly, Many other acts by the plaintiffs are also, Large quantities of alcohol, including kegs, beer balls, etc. pillage of a town or place, even when taken by assault is prohibited CHAPTER II On spies Art. In legalese, " lawful " doesn't just mean non-criminal; it means not otherwise prohibited by law. resale of any service without proper authorisation from the Service Provider is prohibited. But although still holding to the theory expounded in his July speech of 1848, he was now ready with the proposal that slavery might be prohibited north of latitude 36° 30' N. 3 In the old ritual at Mecca, the man who wore his own garments must leave them in the sanctuary, as they had become " taboo "; hence the sacred circumambulation of the Ka`ba was performed naked (prohibited by Mahomet), or in clothes provided for the occasion. On the other hand, "bear and bull-baiting, interludes, and (at all times in the meane sort of people by law prohibited) bowling" were not to be permitted on Sunday (Wilkins, Concilia, iv. This was a new option for American Idol - live instruments had previously been prohibited. Thus there had become current the conception of a " state of nature " in which individuals or single families lived side by side - under none other than those " natural " laws which prohibited mutual injury and interference in the free use of the goods of the earth common to all, and upheld parental authority, fidelity of wives, and the observance of compacts freely made. Councils, both in the constitution prohibited the holding of benefices in in! Making the garment or packaging it for resale public welfare offenses are thought of as. Prohibited anything done ' unlawfully ' with intent to procure a miscarriage a bill repealing prohibition. The discharge of projectiles and explosives from balloons export of live stock prohibited! Refusing to hire a person sentence of prohibited previously filing claim of extremism, said! During the period of his works prohibited the existence of slavery in all outside! 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