Copy-editing, technical editing, typesetting and proofreading services. Authors must certify that the manuscript is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere. Non-native English speaking authors are required to have their manuscripts checked by a native English speaker or professional English-language editor prior to submission. Reviewers should not review manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the papers. The Physical Review journals require authors to abide by the length guidelines. Nonetheless, it is recommended to follow the guidelines to ensure accurate conversion of your records to XML and consequent indexing in GBIF, Plazi, and other important resources. If another method is used (e.g. 10117 Berlin Telefon: +49 (0) 30 246267 - 0 Telefax: +49 (0) 30 246267 - 20 E-Mail: entwickelt von L.N. 23: 660-667. If Reviewers recognize that a manuscript requires linguistic edits, we shall be grateful for them to inform both the Author and the Subject Editor in the report. ZooKeys is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal covering zoological taxonomy, phylogeny, and biogeography.It was established in 2008 and the editor-in-chief is Terry Erwin (Smithsonian Institution).It is published by Pensoft Publishers.. ZooKeys provides all new taxa to the Encyclopedia of Life on the day of publication.. See also. 6 Para. For every significant F−statistic reported, provide two df values (numerator and denominator). Usually, such errors affect the scientific integrity of the paper and could vary in scale. Before pitching a collection, assure that you are ready to appoint other Guest editors, if necessary. All papers can be freely copied, downloaded, printed and distributed at no charge. GPS units record the elevation above a mathematical model of the earth's surface. ; same data as for preceding; SAMC B8890. Include images of type material or representative species. Users can report to the Journal uses of their personal data, that they might consider not corresponding to the current Terms of Use. Degrees, Minutes and Seconds (DMS), i.e. Additional headings and modifications are permissible. Standard formats for common statistics, e.g., commas (not semicolons!) The manuscript is accessible by clicking on the link in the email notification, or after login. We recommend a single type line as: Type-genus: Musca Linnaeus, 1758. Electronic Journal Articles:Mallet J, Willmott K (2002) Taxonomy: Renaissance or Tower of Babel? f) GDPR. PhD Thesis, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand. Authors grant Pensoft Publishers a license to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher. Author Guidelines. For example, a GPS unit might give the latitude in decimal seconds as 28°16'55.87"N. Since one second of latitude is about 30 m on the ground, the second figure after the decimal in 55.87 represents 30 cm, yet a typical handheld GPS unit is only accurate at best to a few metres. ZooKeys Webseite (engl.) The Provider reserves the right to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the services provided by the Journal. The assigned Subject Editor next reads the manuscript to decide whether it is potentially suitable for publication and can be processed for review, or rejected immediately, or returned to the author for improvement and re-submission. Once the manuscript passes the initial pre-review screening by the Editor-in-Chief and the journal's editorial office, it is forwarded to the Collection editor to either approve or decline it for the collection. ICZN [International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature] (1999) International code of zoological nomenclature. Volume 58, Issue 1. Violation of any of the terms will result in the termination of the User's account. All journal titles should be spelled out completely and should NOT be italicized. One of the authors should be designated as the corresponding author. Ensure that the References are complete and arranged according to name and year of publication. Click ‘Save’ to create the drop-down menu. Fields containing no data items do not add anything to the information content of a dataset and should be omitted. Blagoderov V, Smith V (2011) No Specimens … Forest and Dragonflies. Do not use tabs to format tables or separate text. For more information, please see their FAQ. The number in brackets after each category shows the number of manuscripts that were assigned to you. You can copy the menu along the column rows. Double quote marks (" ") must be used to represent label citations that do not correspond to (or cannot be reliably interpreted as) specific DWC terms. If the material is organised by region, please use the following format: This field comprises several indications about the specimens cited: number, type (e.g. Plagiarism or other kind of unethical research. The number in brackets after each category shows the number of manuscripts assigned to you. Field study and Simulation model or Counts, Measurements and Molecular analysis), should be left-justified, italicized, and in a regular sentence case. Tabular data provided as supplementary files can be uploaded as an Excel spreadsheet (.xls), as an OpenOffice spreadsheets (.ods) or comma-separated values file (.csv). Note: The manuscripts are grouped by categories, e.g., In Review (no. Signed Journal Users will be hereinafter referred to as "User" or "Users". Headings and subheadings: Main headings: The body text should be subdivided into different sections with appropriate headings. 23, 660-667, pl. When citing more than one source, in-text citations should be ordered by the year of publication, starting with the earliest one: (Smith et al. Please use the following style for the reference list (or download the Pensoft EndNote style): here. Taking into consideration the recommendations of the journal’s Editor-in-Chief. Because commas are commonly present within data items, and because not all programs understand how to process CSVs, we recommend using tabs as field-separating characters (and avoiding tabs within data items! Instances, when authors re-use large parts of their publications without providing a clear reference to the original source, are considered duplication of work. the "TRIM" function that removes unneeded whitespace from a data item. The Reviewer may decide to stay anonymous or open his/her identity by ticking the Show my name to the author(s) box at the bottom of the reviewer’s form. species group) or links to online-based keys. They secure the right to reproduce any material that has already been published or copyrighted elsewhere. ), and should include an accurate, clear and concise description of the reported work, avoiding abbreviations. : It is not necessary to include information such as "no date" or "no locality data"; just list the elements that are available. The responsibilities of a Guest editor are: Handling the peer review of the manuscripts they have been assigned to. We encourage authors, who feel that their work is of particular interest to the wider audience, to email us with a press release draft** (see template and guidelines), outlining the key findings from the study and their public impact. : The repository data field should be composed of an institution acronym and a catalogue number (where available), using a colon to separate the two elements. They are designed to help authors understand and navigate the publishing process successfully. The manuscripts will be reviewed by two or three experts in order to reach first decision as soon as possible. For example, a field labelled "Year" and containing years should not contain the data item "3 males". These "control" or "gremlin" characters are sometimes invisible when data are viewed within a particular application (such as a spreadsheet or a database browser) but can usually be revealed when the data are displayed in a text editor. Retraction should happen after a careful consideration by the Journal editors of allegations coming from the editors, authors, or readers. The Subject Editor receives a notification email on the assignment. : Use the word "to" in order to show a range of specimen numbers. Figures and illustrations are accepted in the following image file formats: Vector files in any of the following formats EPS, SVG or PDF are requested for phylogenetic trees and cladograms. Underlining of any text is not acceptable. Users can change or pseudonomyse their personal data, or deactivate their accounts at any time through the functionality available in the User’s personal profile. By proposing an article collection (Special issue or Topical collection), you agree to act as a Collection editor, whose main responsibilities are: Working with the editorial office to set up the article collection on the journal’s website. The User’s personal data is processed by the Journal on the legal basis corresponding to Article 6, paragraph 1, letters a, b, c and f. of the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to as GDPR) and will be used for the purpose of Journal’s services in accordance with the present Terms and Use, as well as in those cases expressly stated by the legislation. In addition, Open Access articles might be used by the Provider, or any other third party, for data mining purposes. the details region, area, town and street for the ‘locality’ field). Unique identifiers can be provided also by international taxon-based databases that do not indicate ownership, such as. In case of non-fulfillment under the previous paragraph, the Journal reserves the right to delete the user's profile. Reference(s) to datasets should also be included in the reference list of the article with DOIs (where available). SUBMISSION 2. nov., comb. The Subject Editor should not hesitate to recommend either Reject, or Reject, but resubmission encouraged PRIOR to the peer-review process, in cases when a manuscript is scientifically poor and/or does not conform to journal’s style, and/or is written in poor English (see Note under point 1 below how to reject a manuscript prior to peer review). Previously published names: For a previously published name, please provide the year of description. It is always possible to incorporate the footnote into the main text by rewording the sentences, which greatly facilitates reading. It is the Author’s responsibility to submit the manuscript in linguistically and grammatically correct English. If misconduct is suspected, journal Editors will act in accordance with the relevant COPE guidelines. Reviewers are asked to start their report with a very brief summary of the reviewed paper. change the collection’s description or the order of the papers). Information may be in the form of. Peer review. It is possible to have entirely correct digital data that are low-quality because they are badly structured or formatted, and, therefore, hard or impossible to move from one digital application to another. All appeals should be directed to the Editor-in-Chief, who may decide to seek advice among the Subject Editors and Reviewers. Example: Anon (2007) Sudanese Australia Integrated Learning Program (SAIL). There is no need for editors to visit the journal’s website to keep track on the manuscript they are responsible for. Authors and Affiliations: Provide the complete names of all authors, and their addresses for correspondence, including e.g., institutional affiliation (e.g. Each journal has a set of individual author guidelines which provide advice on how to prepare your paper for submission. AIMS AND SCOPE 3. can be corrected through publishing of an erratum. You will also be granted the user rights of a Guest editor necessary to handle manuscripts in the system (i.e. Orr AG (2006) Odonata in Bornean tropical rain forest formations: Diversity, endemicity and applications for conservation management. A nomenclature for genetic sequences for types and confidently identified nontype specimens has been proposed by Chakrabarty et al. The journals encourage publication of open opinions, forum papers, corrigenda, critical comments on a published paper and Author’s response to criticism. We suggest rounding off. The PDF of the retracted article is left on the website but clearly watermarked with the note "Retracted" on each page. The specimen/catalogue code(s) should be listed after the institution code. The Provider reserves the rights in its sole discretion to refuse or remove any content that is available via the Website. Please include the full delivery address if it is different from the one you have used for your registration, and indicate the payment method. In case a response letter is not submitted by the authors, the editor has the right to reject the manuscript without further evaluation. ; Grootfontein, Nosib Cave; 8 Feb. 1995; SEGL leg. Johnson KP, Shreve SM, Smith VS (2012) Repeated adaptive divergence of microhabitat specialization in avian feather lice. This way, you will be able to see all manuscripts you are responsible for as an author or reviewer or editor. Individual participants in studies have the right to decide what happens to the identifiable personal data gathered, to what they have said during a study or an interview, as well as to any photograph that was taken. Courtesy authorship is prohibited. Does it place the work into the context that is necessary for a reader to comprehend the aims, hypotheses tested, experimental design or methods? Authors must participate in the peer review process. We will adjust the cost of your membership annually. Any usage rights are regulated through the Creative Commons License. Well-structured data keeps the field-separating character out of data items, to avoid confusion in processing. Where a specimen code is available, it should be explicit which specimen it refers to. Does it place the work into the context that is necessary for a reader to comprehend aims, hypotheses tested, experimental design or methods? One of the following formats should be used: Polaszek A, Alonso-Zarazaga M, Bouchet P, Brothers DJ, Evenhuis NL, Krell FT, Lyal CHC, Minelli A, Pyle RL, Robinson N, Thompson FC, van Tol J (2005) ZooBank: The open-access register for zoological taxonomy: Technical Discussion Paper. Special memorial volume open to submissions to commemorate our admirable founding Editor-in-Chief Terry Erwin: "Systematic Zoology and Biodiversity Science: A tribute to Terry Erwin (1940-2020)", Edited by: John Spence, Achille Casale, Thorsten Assmann, James Liebherr, Lyubomir Penev. For large datasets (10,000 + records) please contact Dr. Bob Mesibov for pricing. The type-species and the character of the proposed taxonomic act should be specified for new genus-group names. Copy its resource identifier (ID). Editorial decisions should not be affected by the origins of the manuscript, including the nationality, ethnicity, political beliefs, race, or religion of the authors. Journal Name 1: 1–10. Authors should acknowledge all significant funders of the research pertaining to their article and list all relevant competing interests. In case the manuscript is declined from the collection, it undergoes the regular evaluation and peer review process at the journal. "Informed consent was obtained from all individuals for whom identifying information is included in this article." Article collections aim to aid the dissemination and outreach of multiple research outcomes and also bring together research teams from around the globe working on similar topics, thus increasing the opportunities for collaboration, sharing and re-use of research. Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability. HOLOTYPE ♂ and PARATYPE 1♀ (MHNG), IRAN: Khuzestan Province: Dezful, Shahiun, Kuh-e Shadab, 32°36′ N 48°28′ E, 6.12.2019 (H. Behdarvandi). The service is only available for studies published within the past 3 months. An example is the Darwin Core "verbatimLocality" field for a record containing a full latitude and longitude, but with the "decimalLatitude" and "decimalLongitude" fields blank. Learn about some of the most notable research published in Zookeys on Pensoft's blog. A full table will have the same data for each specimen lot as appears in the text of your paper. ZooKeys:Antarctic, Sub-Antarctic and cold temperate echinoid databaseA dataset from bottom trawl survey around TaiwanProject Description: DNA Barcodes of Bird Species in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, USALiterature based species occurrence data of birds of northeast IndiaMOSCHweb — a matrix-based interactive key to the genera of the Palaearctic Tachinidae (Insecta, Diptera)Amundsen Sea Mollusca from the BIOPEARL II expeditionIberian Odonata distribution: data of the BOS Arthropod Collection (University of Oviedo, SpainFORMIDABEL: The Belgian Ants DatabaseCircumpolar dataset of sequenced specimens of Promachocrinus kerguelensis (Echinodermata, Crinoidea), PhytoKeys:Florabank1: a grid-based database on vascular plant distribution in the northern part of Belgium (Flanders and the Brussels Capital region)Database of Vascular Plants of Canada (VASCAN): a community contributed taxonomic checklist of all vascular plants of Canada, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, and GreenlandHerbarium of Vascular Plants Collection of the University of Extremadura (Spain), Nature Conservation:Antarctic macrobenthic communities: A compilation of circumpolar information, Press releases on data papersNew incentive for biodiversity data publishingData publishing policies and guidelines for biodiversity data by PensoftFirst database-derived 'data paper' published in journalA new type of data papers designed to publish online interactive keysData paper describes Antarctic biodiversity data gathered by 90 expeditions since 1956Unique information on Belgian ants compiled and published through FORMIDABEL data paperDatabase simplifies finding Canadian plant names and distributionA synthesis of the 36451 specimens from the UNEX Herbarium in a new data paper. Users can change/correct their personal data anytime via the functionality available in the User’s profile. Upon the thorough examination, the Editor-In-Chief and deputy editors should conclude if the case concerns a possibility of misconduct. When allegations concern authors, the peer review and publication process for their submission will be halted until completion of the aforementioned process. Authors are strongly encouraged to adhere to the new fine-grained formatting of the material examined (species occurrence records) as shown below. The Journal undertakes to collect, store and use the provided personal data of third parties (including but not limited to unregistered co-authors) solely for the purposes of the website, as well as in those cases expressly stated by the legislation. ZooKeys is a peer-reviewed, open access, online and print, rapidly produced journal, launched to support free exchange of ideas, data and information in all branches of Zoology. The Journal will be archived in LOCKSS so that all new names (and nomenclatural acts) published in the electronic-only Journal will be considered published and available. geographic groups) please state this in the Material and Methods section. Geographical coordinates must be listed in one of the following formats: Definition: The locality consists of a point represented by coordinate information in the form of latitude and longitude. Plagiarism and duplicate publication policyA special case of misconduct is plagiarism, which is the appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results or words without giving appropriate credit. ISSN stands for International Standard Serial Number. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolismis the world’s leading peer-reviewed journal for the dissemination of original research as it relates to the clinical practice of endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism. Ranking Sequence Reliability. CBF 06023]. Note: Citations are based on reference standards. Article- and sub-article-level metrics (Altmetric, Dimensions, number of downloads separately for the PDF, XML and HTML, usage stats for figures, tables and supplementary files). Whenever possible, indicate the year and version of the statistical software used. Other sources of support for publications should also be clearly identified in the manuscript, usually in an acknowledgement (e.g. Furthermore, an author could open up his/her protocol to the public at the click of a button as soon as their article is published. The Collection editor is notified about each new submission to the collection via email sent by the system. Do conclusions seem reasonable? Situated in Romania, Movile Cave is over 65 toes (20 meters) beneath the floor, and its heat, moist air is low in oxygen and thick with poisonous gasses, which feed chemosynthetic micro organism. Authors of new species name should state exactly what the epithet is in terms of the ICZN, as outlined in Article to as well as 11.3. 1 lit. filmed in high quality, preferably with .mp4 file extension with the H.264 video codec; directed from the author’s own point of view, using conversational tone and minimal jargon; presented in fluent English or featuring English subtitles; accompanied by a short text introduction for the purposes of a blog post. 'See supplementary file 1: Movie 1" for the original data used to perform this analysis. Change the name of the sheet so that it contains the name of the ontology you used and the type of entities you listed. In submitting the manuscript to any of Pensoft’s journals, authors certify that: to Share — to copy, distribute and transmit the work to Remix — to adapt the work. The other three are also possible but will be recalculated to DDM during the process of online mapping from the HTML version of the paper. Orders from countries outside the European Union (EU) or from VAT-registered EU customers will be processed VAT-free. Request our Custom social media content service by contacting our PR department ( Examples of published corrigenda are available here. When possible, include URLs for articles available online through library subscription or individual journal subscription, or through large international archives, indexes and aggregators, e.g., PubMedCentral, Scopus, CAB Abstracts, etc. Since Pensoft Publishers is using the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), anyone (the author, his/her institution/company, the publisher and the public) is free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the work as long as the original author is credited (see above). Depending on the amount members are prepared to commit, Pensoft is offering a discount on APCs per the table below. To start working with it, please open and copy it to an editable file in Google Spreadsheet (through the. ZooKeys invites research papers for the special collection “Biology of Pangolins and Bats” with the aim to contribute with real-time findings and data to the efforts of scientific teams, experts and other decision-makers across the world. This journal is integrated with the Dryad Digital Repository to make data publication simple and easy for authors. A single field can be composed of several elements, which are separated by commas (e.g. The collection number encompasses all gatherings from a single specimen (e.g., leaves, flowers, piece of wood) which may be preserved on different herbarium sheets and in different herbaria. Explore Online first articles Volumes and issues Collections Sign up for alerts. disease vector, representative of a new genus, sister-group of a large clade), or are exceptional in some respect (e.g. After login, please go to the respective journal’s web page and click on My Tasks button in the upper right corner of the screen. Does the discussion place the paper in scientific context and go a step beyond the current scientific knowledge on the basis of the results? The table does not replace or exclude the detailed listing of specimen data (occurrences, label data) in the Materials examined sections of the taxon treatments. All columns and rows should be visible, please make sure that borders of each cell display as black lines. Before attempting an online submission, please consider preparing the following file types: Review version of the manuscript: a WORD file in either DOC, DOCX, RTF or ODT format with all figures and tables embedded. For botanical and mycological data, please use "Collection number" instead of "collector [followed by "leg."]". Aims and Scope 3. Case-based discussions raise interesting diagnostic or management issues that teach an important lesson. Then, the PR team will work with them to finalise the announcement that will be: Following the distribution of the press announcement, our team will be tracking the publicity across news media, blogs and social networks, in order to report back to the author(s), and reshare any prominent media content., Smith J, Brock B, Gunderson A (2015) Article Title. It is the corresponding author's responsibility to ensure that the author list, and the individual contributions to the study are accurate and complete. Go back to the ‘template’ sheet and scroll through the dropdown menu until you find the entity you added. : Numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, Heading for every column (including the leftmost! Reviewers should express their views clearly with supporting arguments. Authors must address all critiques of the referees in a response letter to the editor and submit it along with the revised manuscript through the online editorial system. Schaffrath DigitalMedien GmbH assign reviewers and provide an editorial decision on the acceptance/rejection of the manuscript). Admissible and insignificant errors in a published article that do not affect the article content or scientific integrity (e.g. Title. Semicolons should not be used elsewhere in a material citation. Figure legends: All figures should be referenced consecutively in the manuscript; legends should be listed consecutively immediately after the References. Immediate online access with complete access to all articles starting 1997; Downloadable in PDF … Alle Artikel stehen unter der Lizenz CC-BY 4.0. Authors should submit the manuscript in linguistically and grammatically correct English and formatted in accordance with the journal’s Author Guidelines. Particularly encouraged are follow-up contributions telling the story of, for example, a research paper that has led to an important policy to be set in place; or an article that has met remarkable attention or reactions in the public sphere. Author Guidelines CONTENTS. The ISSN of ZooKeys is 13132970, 13132989. Decisions to edit and publish should not be determined by the policies of governments or other agencies outside of the journal itself. VAT (20%) will be added ONLY to NOT VAT-registered customers based in the European Union. Examples of such activities are: Email notifications to authors, reviewers and editors who are engaged with authoring, reviewing or editing a manuscript submitted to the Journal. Jackson and Miller (2012) found out that... A recent study (Jackson and Miller 2012) confirmed that... A recent study (Jackson et al. Accepted Articles; Early View; Current Issue; All Issues; Virtual Issues; Follow journal. Small tables can be embedded within the text, in portrait format (note that tables on a landscape page must be reformatted onto a portrait page or submitted as additional files). Are competing hypotheses or theories reasonably related to each other and properly discussed? Authors are not allowed to neglect unfavorable comments about their work and choose not to respond to criticisms. Authors are welcome to notify us whenever their institution is working on a promotional campaign about their work published in our journal. If identifying characteristics are altered to protect anonymity, such as in genetic profiles, authors should provide assurance that alterations do not distort scientific meaning. These can be checked for duplicate and broken records, misuse of fields, disagreements between fields, character encoding problems and incorrect or inconsistent formatting. There are two ways to access a manuscript. However, the steps and measures required vary, depending on the browser you use. Research misconduct does not include honest error or differences of opinion. ZooKeys is a peer-reviewed, open-access, online and print, rapidly produced journal launched to support free exchange of ideas and information in systematic zoology, phylogeny and biogeography. Users can receive emails from Journal and its hosting platform ARPHA, provided by Pensoft, about activities they have given their consent for. : The name(s) of the collector(s) should always be followed by "leg. Same as above, but ''in press'' appears instead of the year in parentheses. We strongly recommend that authors include institutional catalog numbers for specimens preserved in collections, and information identifying sequences that are derived from type specimens (see below) when they deposit data in genetic databanks. Journal providing a peer review in languages other than English (for example, Russian) may use other plagiarism checking services (for example, Antiplagiat). Guidelines for Authors Graphics When creating diagrams, charts or tables please keep in mind that the BrewingScience Yearbook is black and white only! Identifying details (names, dates of birth, identity numbers and other information) of the participants that were studied should not be published in written descriptions, photographs, and genetic profiles unless the information is essential for scientific purposes and the participant (or parent or guardian if the participant is incapable) gave written informed consent for publication. ), collection locality data and possibly photographs of tissued specimens must be provided. For more information about the editorial workflow, visit How it works? or write to request it from This website is intended as a cybercommunity for authors, reviewers and editors (and other taxonomists) where they can share information and files, exchange ideas, collaborate with each other on taxonomic research. Where a specimen code [ e.g without quotation marks ( `` CRediT '' ) version... Which may be ordered alphabetically by author name ( but see below ),,! But `` in press '' appears instead the year of description referees ; Browse list geographical coordinates as taken GPS... Subscription service, which greatly facilitates reading to science journalists and mass media brackets, e.g UTF-8 encoding another! Publication process for their submission will be accepted collections bring CRediT, increased,... Into different sections with appropriate headings article processing Charges: please have your abstract and key words be. 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